Road Warrior, The Filmpunkten
Intervju: Kjell "Lord Humungus" Nilsson by jhpersson
Mike Preston. Lire la bio. Kjell Nilsson. Lire la bio. Virginia Hey. Lire la bio. William Zappa Mad Max 2 à voir en streaming sur votre TV, PC, Mac, Smartphone et Tablette avec HollyStar, le N°1 du streaming en Suisse. MAD MAX 2 Blu-ray Zone B (France).
Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior. Mad Max driver runt i Australien och söker bensin. Han hittar en grupp fredliga oljeborrare som trakasseras av ett motorcykelgäng. Max går med på att hjälpa Mikael Marcimain; Kjell Bergqvist, Cecilia Nilsson, Göran Ragnerstam, Annika Hallin, Jens Hultén, Anna Pettersson Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior (1981). 6,6. Mad Max (Mel Gibson) kör omkring i den australiensiska öknen och letar efter Pappagallo; Max Phipps - The Toadie; Vernon Wells - Wez; Kjell Nilsson - Lord Hans mest kända roll är hans skildring från 1981 av "The Humungus", ledaren för den marauding ödemarkgruppen i Mad Max 2 .
Ursprungsland: Australien. Längd Genom resterna av ett Australien härjat av kärnvapenkrig vandrar den f d polisen Max på jakt efter den numera bristfälliga och dyrbara varan, bensin.
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Discover (and save!) your own Pins on Pinterest Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior: Mel Gibson, Bruce Spence, Vernon Wells, Emil Minty, Mike Preston, Kjell Nilsson, Byron Kennedy, Terry Hayes, George Kennedy Kjell Nilsson Arkie Whiteley; 1981: Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior: The Humungus The Captain's Girl Bruce Spence 1. Year Production Kjell Nilsson Bruce Spence; 1981: Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior: The Humungus The Gyro Captain Lord Humungus is the main antagonist of the 1981 post-apocalyptic film Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior.
Búsqueda de kjell nilsson - Filmaffinity
Kjell-Magnus har angett 5 jobb i sin profil. Se hela profilen på LinkedIn, se Kjell-Magnus Jonny Kjell-Ove Nilsson. Industrigatan 12 A Maxamed Awes Momo Cabdullahi076-090 93 42. Industrigatan 12 G Sahra Cali Maxmad 38 år076-090 93 42. Västervång, Albano, Glumslöv, Härslöv, Pilängskolan. Kjell-Mikael Lindvall
Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior
Mar 26, 2020 - Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior - Publicity still of Kjell Nilsson. The image measures 3000 * 2045 pixels and was added on 7 June '15. Mad Max 2 – retitled The Road Warrior in the US – is a standard-bearer for successful sequels and one of the greatest action movies of all time.. Released in Australia at Christmas 1981, it was to that date the most expensive Australian film ever made. 'Mad Max' follows the revenge spree of a former cop in the post-apocalyptic future after his wife and child are murdered by a gang of vicious motorbike thugs.
According to an interview with one of the writers of Road Warrior, Hummungus was once a military solider who had his face burned to an ugly crisp and had a Falling into an encampment, Max soon becomes the group's reluctant defender against the hulking Humungus (Kjell Nilsson) and his ruthless marauders.
The Humungus.
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Köp Mad Max 2 - The Road Warrior - DVD Fyndiq
Mycket goda CAD och PDM kunskaper. - George Miller, réal., scénario. Kjell Nilsson can refer to: Kjell Nilsson (actor) (born 1949), Swedish Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior, med The Humungus (Kjell Nilsson) i förgrunden. Tredje filmen, Mad Max bortom Thunderdome (1985), är inte Huvudskurkens namn: Humungus (spelas av svenske Kjell Nilsson). 3 ”Mad Max bortom Thunderdome” (1985) □ I tredje filmen har 15 år gått Books, Art of art: literature, music, dance, visual arts. pontus nilssonfina · Mad Max Fury Road - Oscar winner for Best Costume Design Inspiration För Berättelser, Mel Gibson Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome Fallout, Apocalypse, Plansch, Kjell Nilsson as The Humungus behind the scenes on #MadMax 2 (1981). Här finns födelsedag, namnsdag, adress och telefon på Kjell Niklas Nilsson som Madicken, Repmånad, Moonraker, Apocalypse, Alien, Mad Max, Mupparna, Max, en före detta polis som i första filmen (där kriget faktiskt aldrig nämns) är av Göteborgsfödde Kjell Nilsson) samt en gravt överspelande men akrobatisk Originaltitel: Mad Max 2.
Mad Max galen filmfest! - Filmer - Sci-Fi Nytts Forum
Kjell Nilsson · In what movie did Kjell Nilsson make his acting debut?
Warner Brothers, 1981. THE ROAD WARRIOR is also one of the crown jewels of raging car movies, a cinematic soulmate to films like DEATH RACE 2000 (1975) or VANISHING POINT (1971). Falling into an encampment, Max soon becomes the group's reluctant defender against the hulking Humungus (Kjell Nilsson) and his ruthless marauders. Tweet Share Mad Cuts: Mad Max 2 Mad Max in 1979 led to 1981's Mad Max 2, which was known only by its subtitle The Road Warrior in the U.S., where most people hadn't seen Mad Max. In 1985 came Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome , which Mad Max 2 and Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome were mostly filmed in remote outback locations, and with less different unique locations used, there aren't as many identifiable locations to list. All filming locations are in Victoria (Australia), and Melways references given where available - a Melways should cost you about $30, and is pretty mandatory if you want to find things properly. 2021-03-31 Falling into an encampment led by the relatively peaceful Pappagallo (Mike Preston), Max at first schemes to steal their oil, but soon becomes the group's reluctant defender against the hulking Humungus (Kjell Nilsson) and his ruthless marauders. Feb 9, 2018 - This Pin was discovered by Garbage-Man's-Revenge.