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Pronunciation of licentiate and its etymology. Related words  licentiate meaning in Arabic, what is meaning of licentiate in Arabic dictionary, audio pronunciation, synonyms and definitions of licentiate in Arabic and English,   Hello people! I ready some Threads, but I still need help with american academic degrees.. Here in Brazil we can be licenciated if we take  Licentiate definition is - a person who has a license granted especially by a university to practice a profession.

Licentiate meaning

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We have a Chrome Extension and an Android App licentiate a person who has received a formal attestation of professional competence to practise a certain profession or teach a certain skill or subject. English to Amharic Dictionary (Free). You can get meaning of any English word very easily. It has auto-suggestion feature which will save you a lot of time getting any meaning. We have a Chrome Extension and an Android App Licentiate Meaning In Urdu. Licentiate Meaning in English to Urdu is سند یافتہ, as written in Urdu and Sanad Yafta, as written in Roman Urdu. There are many synonyms of Licentiate which include Alum, Alumnus, Baccalaureate, Bachelor, Diplomate, Doctor, Grad, Holder, Master, Recipient, Product, Collegian, Former Student, etc.

( laɪˈsɛnʃɪɪt) n. 1.

PDF Licentiate thesis: Public sector open data - Shaping an

Hawaiian.English-Dictionary.Help | English to Hawaiian Dictionary Licentiate's degree synonyms, Licentiate's degree pronunciation, Licentiate's degree translation, English dictionary definition of Licentiate' s degree. n. 1 licentiate: One who is granted a license by an authorized body to practice a specified profession.

licentiate degree - Swedish translation – Linguee

1.1. What does licentiate mean? One who has a licence to exercise a profession. (noun) A licentiate in medicine or theology. noun. 1 The holder of a certificate of competence to practice a certain profession.

inkomstrelaterat lån  PhD and Licentiate Dissertations 1950-1996. Towards a theory of the human mind considered as a system of meaning structures. Birgitta Höijer, Olle Findahl  A list of Swedish licentiate theses on entrepreneurship, innovation and SMEs. Innovation driven by meaning.
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Information and translations of licentiate in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. Licentiate may refer to: Licentiate (degree) , a degree below a PhD granted by universities in some countries; may indicate a medical doctor qualification in the UK and other countries.

Lists. licentiate in British English. (laɪˈsɛnʃɪɪt ) noun.
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Mean Question text Left pole % % Right pole n=no. of responses av. av T Foster · 2015 — 15.15 The meaning of a brand and brand strategy. Tim Foster, Assistant Professor/Senior Lecturer at. Luleå Tekniska Universitet.

licentiate degree - Swedish translation – Linguee

2. (Education) a degree between that of bachelor and doctor awarded now only by certain chiefly European universities. 3. Licentiate definition, a person who has received a license, as from a university, to practice an art or profession. See more. A licentiate (abbreviated Lic.) is a degree below that of a PhD given by universities in some countries. In others, for example almost all countries in the European Union, a licentiate is a 3 to 4 years degree, equivalent to a bachelor's degree.

One who has a licence to exercise a profession. a licentiate in medicine or theology; A friar authorized to  Licentiate is the title of a person who holds an academic degree called a licence. The term may derive from the Latin licentia docendi, meaning permission to  Apr 25, 2015 Video shows what licentiate means. A person who holds the Licentiate Meaning. How to pronounce, definition audio dictionary. How to say  EtymologyEdit · Late Latin licentiātus, from licentiō (“to allow to do something”).