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The primary goal of the company is to simplify accounting and finance for the customers through professional employees and future-oriented IT solutions. Norian Accounting AB är ett aktiebolag som ska bedriva konsultverksamhet inom finans- och redovisningsområdet, inkluderande outsourcingverksamhet, samt därmed förenlig verksamhet. Norian Accounting AB har 12 anställda och gjorde ett resultat på 462 KSEK med omsättning 36 564 KSEK under 2019. NORIAN ACCOUNTING, UAB darbo skelbimai.

Norian accounting uab

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NORIAN ACCOUNTING UAB provides accounting, payroll, consulting, outsourcing, intelligent automation and IT solution services in Northern Europe. The primary goal of the company is to simplify accounting and finance for the customers through professional employees and future-oriented IT solutions. Norian is a service provider within Accounting, Payroll and Automation aiming to always deliver smartest, fastest and best services and results in our industry. Our goal is to strengthen our customers’ competitiveness by having the best prices in the market and delivering high quality NORIAN ACCOUNTING, UAB 2 år 11 måneder Avdelingsleder Norian Oslo NORIAN ACCOUNTING, UAB aug. 2018 - n å 2 år 7 måneder. Oslo Area, Norway Accounting Specialist at NORIAN ACCOUNTING, UAB Stavanger-området, Norge 72 forbindelser.

35, 01109, Vilnius apdraustųjų darbuotojų skaičių. NORIAN ACCOUNTING, UAB darbuotojų skaičiaus pokyčio istorija. Sodros duomenimis įmonėje 2021-03-26 dirbo 289 darbuotojai.

Rörexpress Ab - Fox On Green

JSC. Accounting, bookkeeping and auditing activities tax consultancy Vilnius Konstitucijos pr. 21c, Quadrum North, LT-08130 Vilnius, Lietuva +370 52 33 9007 NORIAN teikia apskaitos, darbo užmokesčio skaičiavimo bei automatizavimo paslaugas ir visuomet siekia jas teikti išmaniausiai, greičiausiai ir geriausiai. Mūsų tikslas yra sustiprinti mūsų klientų konkurencinį pranašumą užtikrinant aukščiausią paslaugų efektyvumą.

Rörexpress Ab - Fox On Green

NORIAN ACCOUNTING UAB provides accounting, payroll, consulting, outsourcing, intelligent automation and IT solution services in Northern Europe. The primary goal of the company is to simplify accounting and finance for the customers through professional employees and future-oriented IT solutions. In 2019 our company was awarded as the NORIAN ACCOUNTING UAB provides accounting, payroll, consulting, outsourcing, intelligent automation and IT solution services in Northern Europe. The primary goal of the company is to simplify accounting and finance for the customers through professional employees and future-oriented IT solutions.

The directory of Lithuanian companies. JSC. Accounting, bookkeeping and auditing activities tax consultancy Vilnius Konstitucijos pr. 21c, Quadrum North, LT-08130 Vilnius, Lietuva +370 52 33 9007 NORIAN teikia apskaitos, darbo užmokesčio skaičiavimo bei automatizavimo paslaugas ir visuomet siekia jas teikti išmaniausiai, greičiausiai ir geriausiai. Mūsų tikslas yra sustiprinti mūsų klientų konkurencinį pranašumą užtikrinant aukščiausią paslaugų efektyvumą. NORIAN ACCOUNTING UAB (until September 2017: OpusCapita Accounting UAB) provides accounting, payroll, consulting, outsourcing, intelligent automation and IT solution services in Northern Europe. The primary goal of the company is to simplify accounting and finance for the customers through professional employees and future-oriented IT solutions.
Medelstora företag översättning

Norian Accounting AB,559113-2682 - På allabolag.se hittar du , bokslut, nyckeltal, styrelse, Status, adress mm för Norian Accounting AB NORIAN ACCOUNTING UAB provides accounting, payroll, consulting, outsourcing, intelligent automation and IT solution services in Northern Europe.

Våra tjänsteområden. Våra tjänsteområden. Outsourcing ekonomi.
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Rörexpress Ab - Fox On Green

NORIAN ACCOUNTING UAB (until September 2017: OpusCapita Accounting UAB) provides accounting, payroll, consulting, outsourcing, intelligent automation and IT solution services in Northern Europe. The primary goal of the company is to simplify accounting and finance for the customers through professional employees and future-oriented IT solutions. NORIAN teikia apskaitos, darbo užmokesčio skaičiavimo bei automatizavimo paslaugas ir visuomet siekia jas teikti išmaniausiai, greičiausiai ir geriausiai. Mūsų tikslas yra sustiprinti mūsų klientų konkurencinį pranašumą užtikrinant aukščiausią paslaugų efektyvumą. Norian Accounting AB,559113-2682 - På allabolag.se hittar du , bokslut, nyckeltal, koncern, koncernträd, styrelse, Status, adress mm för Norian Accounting AB Norian Accounting AB,559113-2682 - På allabolag.se hittar du , bokslut, nyckeltal, styrelse, Status, adress mm för Norian Accounting AB Norian is a service provider within Accounting, Payroll and Automation aiming to always deliver smartest, fastest and best services and results in our industry. Our goal is to strengthen our customers’ competitiveness by having the best prices in the market and delivering high quality NORIAN ACCOUNTING UAB provides accounting, payroll, consulting, outsourcing, intelligent automation and IT solution services in Northern Europe.

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NORIAN ACCOUNTING, UAB. Vilniaus universitetas / Vilnius University. About.

We strengthen our customers’ competitiveness by having the best prices in the market and delivering high quality. We do this through our unique delivery Prior to joining UAB in 2015, Dr. Norian performed her graduate work at The University of Iowa in the laboratory of Dr. Gary Koretzky, where she studied T cell signal transduction. She then performed her post-doctoral training at the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, where she studied suppressive tumor-infiltrating dendritic cells in the laboratory of Dr. Paul Allen. Norian Accounting AB - Org.nummer: 5591132682. Vid senaste bokslut 2020 hade företaget en omsättningsförändring på 16,0%. Fördelningen i styrelsen är 0,0 % män (0), 100,0 % kvinnor (1) . Ansvarig är Opstad, Knut Anders .