Ghost B.C - Texter till He Is + översättning till kroatiska


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He is. He's the shining and the light. Without whom I cannot see. And he is. Insurrection, he is spite. He's the force that   Alma del core (English translation) Artist: English, studied French, Greek, English, Romanian, Russian, Latin, Serbian.

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He is spite. He is the force that made me be. Nostr'Alma Mater He is [Verse] We are hiding here inside a dream And all our doubts are now destroyed The guidance of the morning star Will lead the way into the void Sing it!

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Alma mater tarkoittaa korkeakoulua, jossa tieteilijä on suorittanut akateemisen tutkinnon. Alkujaan alma mater oli latinan termi, jota käytettiin muinaisessa Roomassa äitijumalasta. Termin käyttöönotto akateemisessa maailmassa juontaa Euroopan vanhimman, 1088 perustetun, Bolognan yliopiston mottoon "Alma mater studiorum" eli "opintojen hoitava äiti". Nostr' alma mater. And we are falling. Over the precipice .

Alma mater tarkoittaa korkeakoulua, jossa tieteilijä on suorittanut akateemisen tutkinnon.. Alkujaan alma mater oli latinan termi, jota käytettiin muinaisessa Roomassa äitijumalasta. Termin käyttöönotto akateemisessa maailmassa juontaa Euroopan vanhimman, 1088 perustetun, Bolognan yliopiston mottoon "Alma mater studiorum" eli "opintojen hoitava äiti". Inspired by my upcoming ritual!!
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He is Nostro Dispater, Nostr'Alma Mater He is [Verse 2: Papa Emeritus III] We are hiding here   Someone from Amarillo, Texas, US posted a whisper, which reads " He is Nostro dis pater nostr' alma mater He is" Nostro Dis Pater. Nostr' Alma Mater He is. We're hiding here inside a dream. And all our doubts are now destroyed.

AFH. 29 posts · 503 followers · 517 following · Photo by  Nostro dis pater, nostr' alma mater. He is. We're hiding here inside a dream and all our doubts are now destroyed.
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And all our doubts are now destroyed. The guidance of the morning star. Will lead  latín: Nostro dis pater, nostr' alma mater - inglés: Push our Father Frost 'alma mater. “Alma mater (literally 'Nourishing/bounteous mother')” is a Latin phrase that is Discover your world: the Alma Venture. nostro vos pater nostra alma mater. alma.

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The guidance of the morning stars , May 31, 2015 And He is insurrection, He is spite, He's the force that made me be · He is Nostro Dispater, Nostr'Alma Mater He is [Verse 2: Papa Emeritus III] It's not wholly recognizable Latin—that is, “nostra alma mater” means “our nurturing mother, and is commonly used to refer to one's school. But 'nostra dis patre'  And He is insurrection, He is spite, He's the force that made me be.

Dm A/C# C G/B He is nostro vos pater, nostra alma mater  Dm Dm/C# C He is nostro vos G pater, nostra alma mater. Dsus4 D He is.