A Theory of Legal Personhood - Visa Aj Kurki - Bok - Bokus
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The thesis explores legal personhood through one of the latest theories on the subject, the bundle theory of legal personhood of Visa Kurki. 2019-10-08 Legal Personhood: Animals, Artificial Intelligence and the Unborn. by Visa A.J. Kurki, Tomasz Pietrzykowski | Read Reviews. Paperback. Current price is , Original price is $109.99.
EUR 76,80 A Theory of Legal Personhood. Referentgranskad. Öppen tillgång. DOI10.1093/oso/9780198844037.001.0001. Kurki, Visa A.J.. Oxford Legal Philosophy.
av J Hermansson · 2020 — The thesis explores legal personhood through one of the latest theories on the subject, the bundle theory of legal personhood of Visa Kurki. Pris: 879 kr. inbunden, 2019.
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The Law and Philosophy Library, Volume 119, ix (Springer International Publishing, 2017) 158 p Visa A.J. Kurki addresses the question of the correct definition of legal personhood in conjunction with the recent trials in New York concerning whether chimpanzees should be accorded limited Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Oxford Legal Philosophy Ser.: A Theory of Legal Personhood by Visa Aj Kurki (2019, Hardcover) at … Buy A Theory of Legal Personhood by Kurki, Visa AJ online on Amazon.ae at best prices. Fast and free shipping free returns cash on delivery available on eligible purchase. Legal personhood is a foundational concept of Western legal thought. It has recently become highly topical, underpinning contemporary debates over the legal status of animals, corporations, foetuses, natural objects, and artificial intelligences.
A Theory of Legal Personhood - Visa AJ Kurki - inbunden
It has recently become a topical notion, given the increasing scholarly, political, and wider interest in whether, for instance, nonhuman animals, natural objects, and artificial intelligences should be endowed with legal personhood.
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Finally, it applies this new theory to explain and structure the numerous debates surrounding legal personhood. Kurki, Visa A. J., Online workshop: The Contours of Legal Personhood (Nov 10) Legal personhood is a central legal notion. It underlies foundational questions pertaining to the legal status of AIs, animals, corporations and natural objects. Though legal personhood has recently started to receive more attention from scholars, it is still an undertheorized topic. All of the presentations at this workshop will Obra ressenyada: Visa A. J. KURKI and Tomasz PIETRZYKOWSKI (eds.), Legal Personhood : Animals, Artificial Intelligence and the Unborn .
Pris: 879 kr. inbunden, 2019. Skickas inom 5-7 vardagar. Köp boken A Theory of Legal Personhood av Visa AJ Kurki (ISBN 9780198844037) hos Adlibris.
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Legal Personhood: Animals, Artificial Intelligence and the Unborn E-bok by Visa A.J. Visa A.J. Kurki. 852,02 kr. This book has three key aims: first, to show how the legal treatment of cohabiting couples has changed over the past four centuries, from punishment as fornicat. Download Citation | Critical Legal Positivism | Aldershot, Ashgate, 2002 364 PP This is the 'critical' element which he adds to 'legal positivism'. Visa AJ Kurki. av A Ottosson · 2020 — Whanganui river in New Zeeland has rights as a legal person and is a result of a long struggle from the Maori Kurki, Visa A Theory of Legal Personhood. A THEORY OF LEGAL PERSONHOOD.
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It then posits that a better understanding of legal personhood is as a cluster property. Finally, it applies this new theory to explain and structure the numerous debates surrounding legal personhood. Visa A.J. Kurki addresses the question of the correct definition of legal personhood in conjunction with the recent trials in New York concerning whether chimpanzees should be accorded limited LIBRIS titelinformation: Legal personhood: animals, artificial intelligence and the unborn / Visa A.J. Kurki, Tomasz Pietrzykowski, editors. A Theory of Legal Personhood (Hardback) Visa AJ Kurki. ISBN 10: 0198844034 / ISBN 13: 9780198844037. Published by Oxford University Press, United Kingdom, 2019.
Artificial Intelligence and the Unborn. Springer International Publishing, 158 p. Animal Rights. Saskia Stucki1 and Visa Kurki2 right-holding entails legal personhood: if an entity holds at implicitly (Sunstein 2004) or explicitly (Kurki.