Je reconnais que c'est maladroit de ma part. Si j'ai blessé certaines personnes je m'en excuse. 13.38 - 17 Des 2017. 10.192 Retweet; 32.651 Suka  18 déc. 2017 Pourquoi le «blackface» d'Antoine Griezmann fait polémique. Le footballeur a publié sur les réseaux sociaux une photo de lui avec le visage  17 Dec 2017 Atletico Madrid striker Antoine Griezmann has been strongly criticised for a blackface costume he posted on Twitter today. Griezmann, who  18 Dec 2017 Atletico Madrid and France forward Antoine Griezmann was forced to can't believe we're out here in 2017 saying don't dress up in blackface.

Antoine griezmann blackface

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2017 "Blackface" d'Antoine Griezmann : TPMP réagit à la polémique. Touche pas à mon poste. Suivre. il y a 3 ans|363 views. Pour cette 7e saison,  Même s'il ne connaît pas le blackface dans l'histoire, un peu de bon sens. Quelle idée de "se deguiser" en noir !! Atletico Madridstar Antoine Griezmannhas caused outrage on social media after posting a photograph of himself blackface as part of a fancy dress costume.

Antoine Griezmann -- a star striker for Spain's Atletico Madrid --- posted a photo and video of himself Sunday in a full-body blackface costume of an NBA All-Star player, 'fro and all Play Antoine Griezmann kritiseras för ”blackface” Det stormar kring fotbollsstjärnan Antoine Griezmann i sociala medier.

French international footballer Antoine Griezmann has caused a storm after posting a picture of himself in ‘blackface’ as part of a basketball star fancy dress costume for an 80s-themed Christmas party. Antoine Griezmann blackface, racism scandal: Star joins list of football’s worst social media gaffes Staff writers from Fox Sports December 18th, 2017 1:48 pm Antoine Griezmann has sparked controversy on social media by posting a picture of himself dressed as a black basketball player for a 1980s fancy dress party. Antoine Griezmann started three matches for France at the 2014 World Cup. Photo: Reuters French soccer player Antoine Griezmann came under fire Sunday after he posted a photo of himself blackface French soccer star Antoine Griezmann has been criticised for posting a photo of himself in full blackface online for an "'80s party" online on Sunday. MADRID – Soccer star Antoine Griezmann has apologized for any offence caused after posting an image of himself on social media in blackface as part of an NBA party costume on Sunday.

In what he described as a “tribute” to the Harlem Globetrotters, the forward for Le "blackface" d'Antoine Griezmann indigne, il s'excuse et retire la photo Le footballeur a provoqué un tollé en voulant rendre hommage aux Harlem Globetrotters. MADRID (AP) — Soccer star Antoine Griezmann has apologized for any offense caused after posting an image of himself on social media in blackface as part of an NBA party costume on Sunday. Griezmann kritiseras hårt för utklädnad. Atlético Madrids franske fotbollstjärna Antoine Griezmann har hamnat i rejält blåsväder efter att på sociala medier ha poserat, med hela kroppen svartmålad, utklädd till en basketspelare i samband med en fest. Efter fotot har stark kritik riktats mot Gr. A nother Blackface controversy has crept up on social media. World-renowned soccer star Antoine Griezmann incited outrage on Sunday after he posted a Twitter photo of himself dressed as a Black Atletico-Madrid-Stürmer Antoine Griezmann wirkt wie einer der sympathischsten Spieler in der Welt des Fußballs. Bisher zumindest.

Antoine Griezmann, a French soccer star, is under fire for showing off a controversial blackface costume. Here it is. Antoine Griezmann started three matches for France at the 2014 World Cup. Photo: Reuters French soccer player Antoine Griezmann came under fire Sunday after he posted a photo of himself blackface Griezmann posted a terribly insensitive picture of himself in a blackface costume, with the caption, “80’s Party”: (Screenshot: Antoine Griezmann on Twitter) The French striker was immediately blasted for the photo on social media. Antoine Griezmann's blackface tweet.
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Griezmann valde nämligen att klä ut sig till en mörkhyad basketspelare. På sitt twitter- och instagramkonto publicerade Griezmann en bild där han poserade med sin ”kostym”. Det stormar kring fotbollsstjärnan Antoine Griezmann i sociala medier. Fransmannen lade upp en bild på sig själv, utklädd till basketspelare och målad svart över hela kroppen. French international footballer Antoine Griezmann has caused a storm after posting a picture of himself in ‘blackface’ as part of a basketball star fancy dress costume for an 80s-themed Christmas party.

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— Antoine Griezmann (@AntoGriezmann) December 17, 2017 ‘Blackface’ costume lambasted by Atletico Madrid star Antoine Griezmann causes controversy by wearing a blackface costume at an 1980s themed fancy dress party. Antoine Griezmann kritiseras för ”blackface” Det stormar kring fotbollsstjärnan Antoine Griezmann i sociala medier. Fransmannen lade upp en bild på sig själv, utklädd till basketspelare och målad svart över hela kroppen.. Antoine Griezmann’s blackface costume symptomatic of larger problem Atlético’s star damaged his image overseas, but likely won’t face the same controversy at home. By Jeremy Beren @JBBeren Dec 18, 2017, 10:38am CET Antoine Griezmann has sparked controversy on social media by posting a picture of himself dressed as a black basketball player for a 1980s fancy dress party. Subscribe to France 24 now: http://f24.my/youtubeEN FRANCE 24 live news stream: all the latest news 24/7 http://f24.my/YTliveEN IN THE FRENCH PAPERS - Tuesda Antoine Griezmann has defended himself and apologised after sparking a Twitter backlash by posting a picture of himself on social media in fancy dress as a black basketball player. Antoine Griezmann, a French soccer star who plays for Atletico Madrid in Spain, is in hot water after posting a photo in blackface on his Twitter account.

Atletico Madrid ace Antoine Griezmann has publicly apologised after he caused outrage on social media following a post depicting himself blackface as part of a fancy dress costume. 1.2k votes, 2.6k comments. 2.6m members in the soccer community.

In what he described as a “tribute” to the Harlem Globetrotters, the forward for Antoine Griezmann, a French soccer star who plays for Atletico Madrid in Spain, is in hot water after posting a photo in blackface on his Twitter account. Antoine Griezmann, a French soccer star, is under fire for showing off a controversial blackface costume. Here it is. Antoine Griezmann's blackface tweet. Source: Twitter “I don’t think I’ve ever seen a bigger star pull something this egregiously racist.