Konstfack » Tekla Severin
Tekla Severin: "Bauhausresan gjorde mig sugen på väggmålningar
The doors have just opened to a new and refreshingly forward-thinking hotel on the east coast of 6 May 2019 Interior architect Tekla Severin shares her must-see list. By Tekla Evelina Severin . Produced by Meghan McNeer. 18 Jul 2019 Tekla Evelina Severin tends to seek (and find) the lines, shapes and distinguished colours in every object, landscape and surroundings. Tekla Evelina Severin. Rooted in unashamed boldness and fearless originality, Tekla Evelina Severin's photography is unmistakably her own.
Severin has hands down one of the most beautiful Instagrams around, so we were insanely excited to meet her, and even happier when this beauty of a story popped up on Urban Outfitters' blog earlier this month. Toniton x Kakelspecialisten Många tycker att det är svårt att välja och matcha färger till sina hem. Därför har Tekla Severin och hennes team på Toniton lagt åratal på research och tester i syfte att hitta de perfekta kulörerna. Tekla Severin och teamet på Toniton har lagt oräkneliga timmar på research och testande för att utveckla Toniton Colours.
Med referenser från 70-talets färgpalett, ädelsten och medelhav, har Tekla skapat en kontemporär skala i jordnära pasteller som välkomnar dig hem.
Tekla Severin aka #teklan, dockhus 'Abstraktionen' Lauritz.com
Colour addict with an BA in interior architecture and furniture design Tekla tends to seek (and find) the lines, shapes and distinguished colours in every object, landscape or surroundings. A colorist, interior designer, and one of the brightest stars in the design world, Tekla Evelina Severin is known for her strong color compositions and graphically playful artistic expression – often monochrome. Her use of unexpected color combinations keeps her relevant and in demand for new projects all over the world.
Tekla Evelina Severin - Artworks
Syskon: Gustav Adolf, Carl Johan, Anders Sigfrid, Hulda Natalia, Axel Gottfrid, Tekla Elisabet, Alfrida Charlotta, Hjalmar, Genealogy for Karl Severin Boström (1906 - 1962) family tree on Geni, with Änklingen Karl Severin Boström, Arb. i Yttre Ursviken och Tekla Det kan vara så enkelt, tänkte jag, som att hans mor Vivianne, morfar Severin och mormor Tekla hade väntat alldeles för länge på honom. Anki Gneib, Gunilla Hagström, Jacob Hertzell, Thomas Lingsell & Andy Liffner, Cilla Ramnek, Tekla Severin, Fideli Sundqvist, Anna Wedin, Dansworkshop med Pelle Tillö Redaktör för Magasin Subtopia no 10 är Paulina Sokolow. Foto: Tekla Severin och formgivning/illustration: Andrejs Ljunggren Medverkande: Tekla Severin, Märta Thisner, Peter Wiklund, Elisabeth Toll, Oskar Hammarkrantz, Stina Stjernkvist, Kajsa Kax med flera. Dela Hållbart, historietätt och helt abstrakt. Plaza Decos Tekla Severin slår fast fem mattrender att ta till sig. var en kombination av de personer somfärgade honom, inte minst morfar Severin, mormor Tekla,mamma Vivianne, pappa Erland och livskamraten Eva. 1.
m. big rental apartment only a bike ride away from the vibrant city center. Read along for a look inside the creative mind of Tekla. Tekla Evelina Severin describes herself as a colour addict. As a consequence, she tends to seek the lines, shapes and distinguished colours in every object, landscape or surroundings. Looking at Tekla Evelina Severin’s works–filled with bold, mesmerizing images of people, architecture, objects, and still life–gives away her fervor for remarkable shapes and color combinations.
Professional performing arts school
· Interior Architect Tekla Evelina Severin Has a Way With Colour · Interior Norsborg.
colour curation of the mix pattern mat for heymat; now available in the new edition “Teklan Mix
156.6k Followers, 1,216 Following, 1,818 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Tekla Evelina Severin (@teklan)
Tekla Evelina Severin spells c-o-l-o-u-r-s, right?. Colour addict with an BA in interior architecture and furniture design Tekla tends to seek (and find) the lines, shapes and distinguished colours in every object, landscape or surroundings. Namn: Tekla Evelina Severin Yrke: Fotograf, set-designer, kolorist och inredningsarkitekt i eget företag Drömresmål: Många.Men bland annat Japan. Vilken är din yrkesroll?
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Tekla Evelina Severin - Facebook
Instagram post by Tekla Evelina Severin • Aug 2, 2015 at 2:46pm UTC. 1,829 Likes, 37 Comments - Tekla Evelina Severin (@teklan) on Instagram: “ -Tivoli, På allabolag.se hittar du företagsinformation om Severin, Tekla Evelina.
Tekla Evelina Severin @teklan • Instagram photos - Pinterest
La photographe a vu sa carrière exploser grâce à Instagram · Food. Diner into the wild.
colour curation of the mix pattern mat for 10 Aug 2020 With a strong affection for colours, Swedish Tekla Evelina Severin has created a distinctive and consistent colour univers which we are 10 Jun 2019 "The attribute I value the most in a paper for print, is definitely how it treat colours" – Tekla Evelina Severin.Tekla Severin was born in Sweden in A longstanding favorite Internet muse has been the Instagram account of Tekla Evelina Severin, AKA: @teklan, whose poppy, colorful, and architectural photos Home Shop Collections Storefront Contact Fine Print Cart (0) Registry. Stories. Tekla Evelina Severin. Share 0 Tweet Pin it 0 Fancy +1. ← Older Post Newer Post 4 Dec 2020 Tired of the linear white and beige monotony of Scandinavian design, Swedish interior designer Tekla Evelina Severin took a "colorist" turn, Buying from Artworks. Artworks helps make it easy to buy authentic art.