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Norrsken House & Klustret. 29k is backed by people and organisations who believe technology can be used to transform personal growth. It is co-funded by Norrsken Foundation and Ekskäret Foundation, and supported by researchers from Harvard University and Karolinska Institutet. Employee Log in Norrsken Foundation Norrsken Foundation 29k Doctrin Karma Kognity Matsmart Winningtemp Worldfavor ClimateView Elsa Homepage doctrin.se.

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In a nutshell, we are a global digital platform for easily accessing and sharing sustainability information - or what we usually call - Business Information 2.0. The platform today connects 20’000 organizations in nearly 70 countries and is quickly growing every day! Worldfavor har sedan tidigare Norrsken som delägare. Nu tar bolaget in ytterligare 30 miljoner kronor.

Our founders, together in a small apartment in Stockholm, quickly realized that this was only possible if businesses’ sustainability information was easily accessible and comparable – and, know their impact. Worldfavor is a quickly growing tech company founded in Stockholm. We are building the global digital platform for easily sharing, accessing and getting insights from sustainability information.

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Norrsken-backade Worldfavor lockar storbolag till sin digitala hållbarhetsplattform. ”Ett bevis på att hållbarhetsfrågan är aktuell”, säger Frida Emilsson, medgrundare och operativ chef på Worldfavor.

Full-stack Engineer - Kognity

29k is backed by people and organisations who believe technology can be used to transform personal growth.

Sustainability Chat with Niklas Adalberth, Founder of Norrsken Foundation. Read more.
Franska lektion

Beslutet att investera i Worldfavor bygger  Norrsken Foundation. Norrsken Foundation · 29k · Doctrin · Karma · Kognity · Matsmart · Winningtemp · Worldfavor · ClimateView · Elsa  på tema hållbarhet och digitalisering tillsammans med Social Venture Network och Worldfavor, ett av Followers of Worldfavor on instagram. Norrsken @norrskenfoundation · Ghost @ghostdigitalco · DENMARK HOUSE @denmarkhouse.ag · Magnus Liungman Norrsken Foundation. 422 subscribers. Subscribe · WORLDFAVOR.

Norrsken @norrskenfoundation · Ghost @ghostdigitalco · DENMARK HOUSE @denmarkhouse.ag · Magnus Liungman Norrsken Foundation. 422 subscribers.
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Worldfavors mission is to enable every organization in the world to be sustainable. We're developing the world's largest global digital data platfrom with an integrated modern Software as a Service for Sustainability. It simplifies management and exchange of sustainability and compliance informati Worldfavor was founded on the idea that every person and business can make a difference by being able to make truly sustainable decisions. Our founders, together in a small apartment in Stockholm, quickly realized that this was only possible if businesses’ sustainability information was easily accessible and comparable – and, know their impact.

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We're busy solving other challenges than bios.

We're developing the world's largest global digital data platfrom with an integrated modern Software as a Service for Sustainability. It simplifies management and exchange of sustainability and compliance informati About Worldfavor.