Moment – Moki Cherry – Moderna Museet i Stockholm


DSCN8825.jpg 1000×750 Painting, Visual artist, Design

Rather than pointing out Jun 24, 2017 - It is not rare to see nowadays collaborations between artists and musicians, but it is maybe still unusual to find a creative mind that freely moves between various disciplines such as art, design, theatre and music. Swedish Monica Karlsson saw Neo Conceptual Art Moki and Don Cherry’s school house in Tagarp, Skane, Sweden, has been preserved by her family, including her daughter Neneh Cherry, her son Eagle Eye Cherry, and her granddaughter Naima Karlsson, and opened to the public with performances this past summer, with the aim to further their legacy and embrace local community. Image: Moki Cherry - 'Tagarp/NY', tapestry, 1977 Artist & composer Naima Karlsson explores esoteric themes through the mediums of spiritual & free jazz, idiosyncratic folk music, spoken word, improvisation and more. In the late 1960s, the American trumpet player and avant-garde jazz pioneer Don Cherry (1936–1995) and the Swedish visual artist and designer Moki Cherry (1943–2009) began a decade-long collaboration that merged multicultural expressions of art, music, and radical living into a synergetic model for communal creativity. And two significant textile shows, one by the great young Swiss-born artist from L.A. named Christina Forrer and another of vintage tapestry works by the great Moki Cherry, many of them made for performances with her husband, trumpeter Don Cherry. We’ll have some music at the gallery.

Moki cherry tapestry

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Moki Cherry gjorde konst att bruka: att använda till omslag, affischer och scendekor. Lätt att rulla ihop och transportera. Men gjorda med ett konstnärligt handlag som gör att de håller för att visas på en museivägg omkring fyrtio år efter att de skapades. Moki Cherry föddes i Norrbotten 1943. I början av 60-talet flyttade hon till Stockholm för att studera på Beckmans designskola.

Några år senare gifte hon sig med jazztrumpetaren Don Cherry och fick 1968 sonen Eagle Eye Cherry. Moki Cherry betraktade ”scenen som hem och hemmet som scen” – och på den scenen stod hela familjen, maken Don och barnen Neneh och Eagle-Eye, båda framgångsrika musiker som vuxna. ”Det är ett konstnärskap som består av en verksamhet, inte verk egentligen”, säger Fredrik Liew.

Organic Music Societies - Lawrence Kumpf - häftad - Adlibris

Några år senare gifte hon sig med jazztrumpetaren Don Cherry och fick 1968 sonen Eagle Eye Cherry. Moki Cherry betraktade ”scenen som hem och hemmet som scen” – och på den scenen stod hela familjen, maken Don och barnen Neneh och Eagle-Eye, båda framgångsrika musiker som vuxna. ”Det är ett konstnärskap som består av en verksamhet, inte verk egentligen”, säger Fredrik Liew. 1970 flyttade Moki och Don Cherry till Tågarps gamla skola i Skåne och skapade en vardag med ”scenen som hem och hemmet som scen”.

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Konstnärlig. Textilkonst.

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In the notorious 1970s movement that emerged on the Stockholm art scene that launched rebellious attacks on “the establishment”, Moki Cherry stood out from the crowd. Rather than pointing out Jun 24, 2017 - It is not rare to see nowadays collaborations between artists and musicians, but it is maybe still unusual to find a creative mind that freely moves between various disciplines such as art, design, theatre and music.

Några år senare gifte hon sig med jazztrumpetaren Don Cherry och fick 1968 sonen Eagle Eye Cherry. Moki Cherry betraktade ”scenen som hem och hemmet som scen” – och på den scenen stod hela familjen, maken Don och barnen Neneh och Eagle-Eye, båda framgångsrika musiker som vuxna. ”Det är ett konstnärskap som består av en verksamhet, inte verk egentligen”, säger Fredrik Liew. 1970 flyttade Moki och Don Cherry till Tågarps gamla skola i Skåne och skapade en vardag med ”scenen som hem och hemmet som scen”.
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I Moki Cherrys (1943– 2009) mångfasetterade konstnärskap finns inga skarpa linjer mellan design, konst  (Hamid Drake w/ Moki Cherry Tapestry 1978). November 30, 2017. Simon Starling lecture with Natural Information Society Arts and the Nuclear Age lecture   6 Jun 2019 In 1978 the trumpeter Don Cherry was asked about his music in a documentary for Swedish television. “Well, for one thing,” he replied, “it's  Avant-garde jazz trumpeter Don Cherry and textile artist Moki Cherry (née by full-color reproductions of Moki's vivid tapestries, paintings, and sculptures, which   6 Jun 2018 The walls are adorned with several embellished tapestry's that bring and performer Moki Cherry, as Linder was particularly inspired by the  8 Mar 2018 in time and space, will be centred around Swedish artist Moki Cherry's 12 immense tapestries, that will be shown for the first time in the UK. 21 Oct 2019 From the future into unrest, we enter 'The Abode of Sound', given over to a solo presentation of Moki Cherry's ravishing tapestries. Designed as  tapestry works by the great Moki Cherry, many of them made for performances with her husband, trumpeter Don Cherry. We'll have some music at the gallery. 11 Jun 2019 With each passing year Don Cherry's Brown Rice (which has just been reissued behind the group during performance, a la Moki's tapestries.

Organic Music Societies: Kumpf, Lawrence, Af Klintberg, Bengt

Tufted Art — Caroline Kaufman Studio Moki Cherry in her home in Gamla Stan, Stockholm. Dekoration. Badrumsinredning. Konstnärlig.

I was led to writing about Moki Cherry’s tapestries and their relationship to different environments because of the eerie absence of critical writing about her artwork (despite being exhibited internationally and being such an important part of jazz Moki Cherry Official Website “…everything is connected and interdependent, including what we cannot see by the bare eye.” Moki Cherry, 2007 A Biography of Tapestry: Moki Cherry: Home, Stage, Museum What led you to choose this subject? I was led to writing about Moki Cherry’s tapestries and their relationship to different environments because of the eerie absence of critical writing about her artwork (despite being exhibited internationally and being such an important part of jazz (Hamid Drake w/ Moki Cherry Tapestry 1978) November 30, 2017 Simon Starling lecture with Natural Information Society Arts and the Nuclear Age lecture series 7pm, Logan Center, University of Chicago September 22 – November 17, 2017 Rare Earth, Organized by Theaster Gates Exhibition musical soundscape by Joshua Abrams & Natural Information Society Recorded at RAI studios [Rome, Italy] in 1976 for the television broadcast “Incontro con Don Cherry” presented by Franco Fayenz. Previously unreleased.