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He received an undergraduate degree from the University of Lund. Magnus is the son of Jörn Rausing, who runs the packaging company Tetra Laval (of which Tetra Pak is a part), together with his two brothers. Jörn Rausing is said to be worth $9.4bn, according to Forbes’ 2019 rich list. Low profile. Magnus Rausing says he is fine with being in the limelight as long as it helps the companies he has invested in. Jörn Rausing - Tetra Laval Ramsay Brufer – Alecta Pensionsförsäkring Anders Oscarsson – AMF-Försäkring och Fonder Jan Andersson – Swedbank Robur Fonder Per Trygg – SEB Fonder.
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Jörn Rausing is Chairman of the Nomination Committee. 2018-10-24 Kirsten Rausing owns a third of packaging company TetraLaval, and sits on the board together with her brothers Finn and Jörn. Kirsten's grandfather founded Tetra Pak, which invented aseptic Jörn Rausing is a Swedish heir and businessman, a co-owner of Tetra Laval, the packaging company.Jorn Rausing‘s grandfather founded Tetra Pak, which invented aseptic packaging technology.The new packaging made it possible to store beverages like milk and orange juice in cartons instead of glass bottles. His late father, Gad, bought out Jorn’s uncle […] part of the Tetra Laval Group. With the vision and drive of Ruben Rausing at the beginning, the entrepreneurship of the second generation and the strategic leadership of the third, each generation has played a crucial role in Tetra Pak’s success. Europe North America Latin America Asia-Pacic Kirsten, Finn and Jörn Rausing Tetra Laval Group Jorn Rausing is currently Non-Executive Director at Ocado Group, Director at Alfa Laval and Member of the Management Board, Mergers and Aquisition at Tetra Laval International. At Ocado Group, Jorn Rausing has 21 colleagues including Tim Steiner (CEO), Emma Lloyd (Director)… Jörn Rausing - Tetra Laval Ramsay Brufer – Alecta Pensionsförsäkring Anders Oscarsson – AMF-Försäkring och Fonder Jan Andersson – Swedbank Robur Fonder Per Trygg – SEB Fonder.
Career . According to Forbes, Rausing has a net worth of $9.1 billion, as of October 2019. As well as Tetra Laval, he owns a share of Ocado, where he is a board director.
Tetra Laval - Nyheter om Tetra Laval -
Hans Rausing. Tetra Pak. Förmögenhet: 103 miljarder kronor. Stefan Persson. Hennes & Valberedningen inför årsstämman 2020 utgörs av Finn Rausing (Tetra Laval), Ramsay föreslår omval av styrelseledamöterna Finn Rausing, Jörn Rausing,.
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2019 — I dag är det Gad Rausings tre barn med Kirsten i spetsen som Blev huvudägare i Tetra Pak, sedermera Tetra Laval, när brodern Hans sålde 2 sep. 2019 — Tetra Pak blev under de drygt 40 år Hans Rausing ledde företaget år 2000 äger Kirsten Rausing, Finn Rausing och Jörn Rausing Tetra Laval-koncernen. Efter att Hans Rausing sålt sin del i Tetra Laval ägnade han sig åt 30 aug.
Add to myFT · Tetra Laval International SA. Add to myFT · Tetra Pak
10 Jul 2012 His father Hans Rausing, whose own father founded Tetra Laval in Lund, Sweden, in 1944, also has two daughters with his wife Marit.
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veebruaril 1960) on Rootsi pärija ja ärimees, ettevõtte kaasomanik Tetra Laval, pakendiettevõte. 16 Jul 2012 The fabulously wealthy Rausing family made headlines last week with the death The Switzerland-based company, now part of Tetra Laval, was run for After Gad died, his three children — Jorn, Kristen and Finn — who ar 25 Oct 2018 Kirsten, Finn and Jorn Rausing — who control the Tetra Laval family food carton business that their grandfather founded — have become top 4 Jun 2013 Lars Renström new member of the Tetra Laval Group Board. A general meeting of the Kirsten Rausing, Finn Rausing and Jörn Rausing. Gad Rausing - Lanwades Stud - Sunday Times Rich List 2012 - Jörn Rausing Gad's children Jörn, Finn and Kirsten now own and control the Tetra Laval 11 Jul 2012 Eva's husband, whose grandfather founded Tetra Laval in Lund, from the alleged kidnapping attempt of Hans' cousin Jorn Rausing in 1989. Vorstand Operativ at Tetra Laval International SA. Relationship likelihood: Strong .
2018 — Kirsten, Finn och Jörn Rausing äger en femtedel av NYSE-noterade doft- och Tetra Laval, som äger 29 procent av Alfa Laval ALFA +0,86%
Kirsten Rausing, född 6 juni 1952 i Lund, med dr Gad Rausing och Dr Birgit Rausing, född Mayne. Kirsten Rausing har varit styrelseledamot i Tetra Laval-
Both Finn Rausing and Jörn Rausing, each a director of Alfa Laval AB, are directors of Tetra Laval. Tetra Laval B.V., which currently owns 17.7% of our
Finn Rausing. Tetra Laval Jörn Rausing.
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Tetra Pak. Förmögenhet: 103 miljarder kronor. Stefan Persson.
Jörn Rausing - Marres blogg
Jorn Rausing's grandfather founded Tetra Pak, which invented aseptic packaging technology that makes it possible to store beverages like milk and orange juice in carton instead of glass bottles.
8 dec. 2016 — Jörn Rausing, 57 billion, 56. Tetra Laval. 3. Hans Rausing, 102 billion kronor, 90.