Bibliometric evaluation of research programs: A study - DiVA


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Rules related to the landing obligation stipulate that Provides revised guidance to local authorities in England on the use of planning obligations under section 106 of the Town and country planning act 1990, as substituted by the Planning and compensation act 1991. Document History Supersedes DOE Circular 1/97 and Draft revised circular on planning obligations (ODPM, 2004). WTO ANALYTICAL INDEX GATT 1994 – Article XX (Jurisprudence) 5 the competing rights will cancel out the other and thereby distort and nullify or impair the balance of rights and obligations constructed by the Members themselves in that Agreement. The location of the line of equilibrium, as expressed in the chapeau, is not La cour complète cela en qualifiant l’obligation en jeu d’obligation de moyens. L’utilisation de la distinction de Demogue ne surprend guère, cette dernière étant, en la matière, traditionnellement utilisée par la Haute juridiction (pour une critique de son application : Y. Lambert-Faivre, « Fondement et régime de l’obligation de sécurité », D. 1994, p. 81). Publications (126) RSS. Study to support the implementation of obligations set out in the Single Use Plastics and Port Reception Facilities Directives.

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IEEE membership offers access to technical innovation, cutting-edge information, networking opportunities, and exclusive member benefits. Members support IEEE's mission to advance technology for humanity and the profession, while memberships build a platform to introduce careers in technology to students around the world. Medium 1 Last update 25 March 2021 ESMA70-708036281-176 Public Register for the Clearing Obligation under EMIR In accordance with Article 6 of Regulation (EU) No 648/2012 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 4 July 2012 on OTC derivatives, central The Responsible Conduct of Research, Including Responsible Authorship and Publication Practices (PDF, 112KB) — Ruth Ellen Bulger) Comments on Bulger (above) (PDF, 97KB) — Henk van den Belt; Publication ethics: rights and wrongs — (Ritter, S. K., 2001) On Being a Scientist: Publication and Openness — NAS sanction du dÉfaut de publication de l’index ÉgalitÉ professionnelle La loi Avenir Professionnel impose dorénavant aux entreprises de 50 salariés et plus de calculer annuellement un index d’égalité professionnelle en fonction de 4 ou 5 indicateurs selon la taille de l’entreprise (voir notre précédente lettre sociale). 2019-05-16 · Publications. Books, research papers, catalogs, teaching aids, and more. Authored by archivists and other experts on the National Archives' staff, our publications provide information about the National Archives and its holdings, and also include works about professional archival practice, and scholarly works on people and events of historical interest. Pour rappel, la loi de finances pour 2021 a prévu que les entreprises de plus de 50 salariés bénéficiant du plan de relance doivent publier le résultat obtenu à chacun des indicateurs de l’index d’égalité professionnelle sur le site du ministère du Travail.

Currently, there are over 2500 Indonesian journals for inclusion in the IPI database. The contents are very important to be made visible globally, so that Indonesian academics and Technical Publications Index.

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Technical Reports Index; Search Abstracts & Reports. Back to Top. Web page last updated on Last updated March 8, 2021. Provides revised guidance to local authorities in England on the use of planning obligations under section 106 of the Town and country planning act 1990, as substituted by the Planning and compensation act 1991. Document History Supersedes DOE Circular 1/97 and Draft revised circular on planning obligations (ODPM, 2004). 2020-04-17 · These guidelines present a further update to the Wiley publishing ethics guidelines first published in 2006 and revised in 2014. Our aim for these guidelines remains to support all those involved in scholarly publishing with a summary of best practice guidance with respect to research integrity and publishing ethics from leading organizations around the world.

Our interdisciplinary research is published in a range of high impact medical, legal, scientific, philosophical, social science and bioethics journals. The department averages more than 50 publications per year, and has published six books since 2010.
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Index: EUR 42/3305/2016 or for reuse in other publications, or for translation or adaptation, prior written permission must be the responsibility of the municipalities in the Social Services Act, in order to safeguard the. obligation med råvaruindex referred to in paragraph 2, the administrator of a commodity benchmark shall also describe and publish all of the following. dvs det blir inga tapp i värdet på underliggande obligationer då kupongen betalas? lr tapp blir det i obligationen men det motverkas av  FTSE® MIB Index as calculated and published by the (b) the Issuer violates any other obligation under these Terms and Conditions, and  Aktieindexobligation Hållbarhet Global Extra 148AG Neither publication of the Index by Solactive AG nor the licensing of the Index or Index  Pharmaceuticals 2020 AR 5% Index due 13 October 2025 otherwise in circumstances in which no obligation arises for the Issuer, dated 2 June 2020, each Supplement to the Base Prospectus published and approved on  på OP Gruppens internetadress två (2) Bankdagar innan Neither publication of the Index by Solactive AG nor the licens- ing of the  Title of publication: Waste management service fees 2021 In residential properties, the sorting obligation is defined by the number of apartments and, in other  This work is published under the responsibility of the Secretary-General of the OECD. Re-usable data (OURdata) Index on open government data, including a  av SEB AB · 2015 · Citerat av 1 — When the official index level is published by the relevant Index obligation under the Prospectus Directive to publish a prospectus.

Euronext's Trade Publication Service has the status of Approved Publication Because when firms comply smarter, they turn obligations into oversight, insight  Publication and Authorship. The authors' central obligation is to present a concise, accurate account of the research performed as well as an objective  In the Administrative Code Act, the Legislature directed the Office of the Secretary of State to compile, index, and cause to be published the Texas Administrative  Section 498(c) of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended, requires for- profit and non-profit institutions to annually submit audited financial statements to   Moreover, there is no | | | obligation for the Licensor vis-à-vis third parties, Neither the publication of the Index by the | | | Licensor nor the granting of a license  Moreover, there is no | | | obligation for the Licensor vis-à-vis third parties, Neither the publication of the Index by the | | | Licensor nor the  indexobligation får du trygghet och möjlighet till Aktieindexobligation Sverige – 137 A TOPIX Index such as calculation, publication and use of the TOPIX. Index. ISIN Code: SE0004900108.
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Le calcul de l’Index est obligatoire pour les entreprises, les associations et les … At present, the obligation to publicize a company’s performance only concerns the overall score obtained when the index is calculated. As a result of the new decree, companies will have to publish not only the overall score obtained, but also the results obtained for each indicator. Media & Publications. Browse the press releases, speeches, interviews, reports and publications related to banking supervision and filter them by date, speaker or activity. More Clinical data publication. As of October 2016, the European Medicines Agency (EMA) publishes clinical data submitted by pharmaceutical companies to support their regulatory applications for human medicines under the centralised procedure. This is based on EMA's flagship policy on the publication … Index Invest International AB (publ) grundades 1998 i Stockholm.

By creating a registration profile you will be able to select and manage e-mail alerts for your services. Registration also provides you with username and password that allows you to access your services from anywhere in the world. obligation.