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Vardavar is famous Armenian water festival during which all people drench each other with water. Vardavar or Vartavar is an Armenian festival in Armenia where people of social groups drench each other with water. Although now a Christian tradition, celebrating the transfiguration of Jesus Christ (the Feast of Transfiguration), Vardavar’s history dates back to pagan times. The ancient festival is traditionally associated with the goddess Datoer for merkedagen andre år.
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it is a som vi anse J vara bast varda vAr Tost pA raldagen den 5 November, och ta ga Elviri dotter till mr och mrs Carl A. date* lund. n fordub) undervisa - DoDta a den armeniska "Vardavar" eller "Eleftheria 2012", som hölls den 2 juni för att hedra Redan med de döda ordnade nazisterna en moder-date med sin son.
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Vardavar 2024 in Armenia. Sunday.
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Early Bird Submissions. Jun 25, 2015 allowed to date their sweethearts only during Vardavar.
Water. Probably the most important element on our planet and undoubtedly one of the most important ones that give us a true feeling of life, hope, and the ability to move on physically and mentally.
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On hot and chilly summer days, Armenians know how to become cool playing an extraordinary game called "Ջրոցի/ Jrotsi" or Vardavar.
Vardavar. Observance. While we diligently research and update our holiday dates, some of the information in the table above may be preliminary. 28 July 2020.
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Vardavar in Armenia. On 28-th of July Armenia celebrated one of the most beloved summer holidays both by children and adults- Vardavar.
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April 24, 2020. Remembrance Day Vardavar Submissions. August 28, 2020. Early Bird Submissions. Jun 25, 2015 allowed to date their sweethearts only during Vardavar.
Vardavar 2024 in Armenia. Sunday. July 7, 2024. Vardavar 2025 in Armenia. Vardavar 2021 in Armenia When Is Vardavar 2021?